Saturday, August 29, 2009


Can someone please explain why grapes at walmart were 1.79 a pound but at Hannafords they were .99cents a pound? I figured out the following grape-enomics.

My 3 1/2 year old can eat about 2 pounds of grapes a week that averages out to be about 104 pounds a year. I think my yearly per pound average price would be about $2.00 since last winter they went up to 4.99 a pound. That is $208.00 dollars a year in grapes.. or with current grocery prices one shopping trip.
Doing this math at the store i quickly grabbed 6 pounds of grapes and froze them for the winter when the prices are so freaking high. I would much rather tyler snacks on grapes then chips due to economic conditions

In other news we are canning this I will have more later on this weekend. Here are some quick garden photos!!!

The pheasants are getting very big!!

We have 3 big pumpkins that are starting to turn orange. We have several other pumpkins that were planted late due to the deer. hopefully they have time to turn orange.

My sunflowers are starting to bloom!
Looking forward to our first offical apple crop!!

On Wednesday we went to the utica zoo with grammy and aunt heather. Emma was actually awake for this trip and fed a goat!

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